The University of Oxford Department of Sociology approached us to develop a brand and live infographic to monitor the diversity of participants across all published Genome Wide Association Studies (GWAS), the primary technique used for genetic discovery. It had to look excellent, behave flawlessly and work across a range of devices: it was to be published in the high-impact journal Nature Genetics.
The results, by the way, are genuinely surprising. Actual diversity is incredibly low in the field.
An open-source project, the source code may be found here.
Which: Best in Field, 81%
Loop is a beautifully intuitive home energy monitoring kit.
View portfolioFinalist: PENNA 2018, Support for Caregivers
WMAHSN 2018, Supporting Self Care & Prevention of Illness
BMA Patient Information Awards 2019, User Engagement
BMA Patient Information Awards 2019, Community Care
A portal to support non-professional carers in the home, helping them access services and prevent medical incidents in those they are caring for.
View portfolioSanguine is a health management suite for haemophilia patients and their clinicians to track and manage Factor VIII dosages, long-term outcomes, and ongoing bleed safety levels.
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