Loop challenged Global Initiative to build their user interface and online database so that it stood apart from the tech-heavy and frankly, boring industry standard; making energy saving fun.
From our Oxford offices, we delivered a beautiful and intuitive front-end interface across all devices (from mobile to ipad and to desktop) and a robust back-end capable of handling the hundreds of thousands of data-points a minute being sent and received. It's unlike anything else in the business. We delivered; Complete Data-Capture-to-Render App Development, Responsive Design of both Application Site and Marketing Site, Graphic Design, Packaging Design, Creative Direction.
Loop won the prestigious 'best buy' epithet from Which? coming top in its review of all energy monitoring systems at 81%.
Fundamentally, Loop removes the mystery from energy use. It empowers users to make educated decisions about how to modify their behaviour and choose the right suppliers. We built in challenges, such as goals, to help users learn and stay engaged, and win awards for success.
Website for Oxford University spin-out.
View portfolio2 rounds Series A funding from Parkwalk and OSI
OU IT Innovation Seed Fund
OU Teaching Project Award
For this Oxford University spin-out, we branded, designed and built a tool to help academics record and plan their career pathway.
View portfolioA software suite to direct, store, and analyse onboard water handpump smartphone data so that communities can have reliable access to drinking water.
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