This was an incredible and compelling opportunity to brand and build a tool to help food shoppers self-monitor their grocery purchases. Built from a research project at the University of Oxford, it is aimed at identifying the comparative health implications of a given 'basket' of food, by assessing the traffic-light data for each item of food, drawn from the existing database foodDB.
Delivered as a browser extension, it allow the overlay of crucial food content information on the the live websites of the six largest online supermarkets: Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Waitrose, Morrisons, and Ocado.
It enables the saving of multiple baskets per user, a dashboard for quick overview, and the setting of goals to improve the health content of shopping baskets over time.
Published in Nature Genetics
A live, dynamic infographic for a research paper published in Nature Genetics, outlining the ethnic diversity of research participants in genetic discovery research globally.
View portfolioA new brand for a 3D printing software tool.
View portfolioCSS Site of the Day, March 2nd 2018
Special Kudos: CSS Design Awards, March 2018
Completely illustrated scrolling website for a new PR agency in energy, maritime and finance.
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