DeveloperYou’re in the exciting ever evolving world of brand so keep your eyes open for change. Your business is growing, which means you’re finding new markets and client types, your brand needs to grow with you. We have taken an approach to grow our brand without shocking the clients and community.
We began making partial changes to our brand over the course of several months. The benefits of this are that you are able to run testing on your theories, and there are no serious jarring changes; which will minimise the confusion in your client market and community. If you have heard of lean methodology you would probably understand the value of iteration; we can apply the same principles to promote our company's strengths and identify its weaknesses. We see this process implemented with large corporations, most recently MasterCard in their evolution to flat minimalism. We also see this over digital platforms; in new features and prompts.
As you read this your company is growing, evolving and taking in the benefits of a brand that is changing and becoming stronger, without shocking the market.